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Resistant Starch

Traditionally people get their fiber from sources such as whole grains, produce and beans.  Yet all fibers are not alike.  Now there is an exciting new way to augment these traditional sources and increase fiber intake.  It is called natural resistant starch, a newly discovered fiber that offers a wide variety of additional important health benefits related to weight control, glycemic management and digestive health.

 Examples of foods that have high amounts of resistant starch: Bananas, corn, potatoes, yams, pasta, whole grain bread, navy beans, oatmeal, lentils and brown rice to name a few.  Navy beans have the highest resistant starch amount followed by bananas.  Oatmeal and whole grain bread have the lowest amount of resistant starch. 











Our Products

  • Dressing and Sauces
  • Mayonnaise
  • Syrups
  • Bread
  • Mayo Ketchup
  • Pudding mixes
  • Hot cocoa mixes
  • Instant mixes
  • Instant breakfast
  • High Protein Drinks
  • Power mixes-custom blend any dry mixes
  • Special formulas from low calorie-low sodium to national brand formulas
  • Gluten free bread mix

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